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Yoga Instructor &
Meditation Practitioner

Soul Yoga

With Leise

Meditation Bliss

Are you looking for peace and clarity? Come and join Leise

Celebrating the full moon reconnects us with the earth’s rhythms and our own natural cycles. When we are in sync with nature, it is easier to listen to ourselves — which is critical to building a life that actually works for us.


It is a perfect time for spiritual reflection. The perfect time for meditation and the release of energy that has been building within us. To listen to our initiative selves, and let our inner wisdom speak to us and set new intentions for the weeks to come.


The full moon can feel like a bit of a disruptive time, resulting in more erratic behaviour, tension, or tiredness. You may find yourself feeling anxious or emotionally upset. Research has shown that we actually sleep less on the full moon, so it’s important to ensure you care for your body.


Whether you are new to meditation or practice regularly, these events are open to everyone and are centred around you, leaving feeling relaxed, with a greater sense of self, both physically and mentally. Taking away with you positive intentions, helping to release anxiety and tension.

Each event we will cover something new, where we will gather together to find peace and tranquillity through mindfulness, breathwork, and relaxing guided meditation.

What to expect:


We open the circle with mindful grounding, then honouring the beautiful plant medicine of cacao (calming herbal tea also available as an alternative)

as we lead into breathwork, which functionally resets the autonomic nervous system and relaxes the physical body and calms the mind for us to gently enter a guided meditation.


If you wish, there will be time to journal anything that came up for you before we close with a sharing circle with herbal tea and energy balls.

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